Hey guys, sorry to stray away from the order of things with this post. (I know I said I would get into addons.) So “Love is in the Air” is here, but this year its better then the past……there’s a MOUNT!!!! Swift Love Bird has been added this year. It is a pink tallstrider that bites at its ass. Who wouldn’t love one? I know I did and thats why I dropped 25k gold on the first day to have it before anyone else. I now have 3 more just sitting in my bags waiting to be sold. So your probably thinking, why aren’t you selling them? Do you remember what happened to sinister squashlings when everyone ran out after october and they were hard to find again? I know they went from 75g per to around 400g per. I will be waiting until everyone sells off their stock of them and the price sky rockets to sell mine. Now how to get a decent number of them. The easiest way I have found to get the charms you need to make bracelets is to go into throne of tides normal and clear up to Ozumat. In the hallway where the elementals are that continue to spawn just sit and farm them until you have filled your bags with charms….whala a mount. Quick tip though dont kill the two large elementals at the end of the hallway or no more will spawn. For those of you who cant solo this far there are 3 more options for decent farming. Go to the Icecrown zone and find Sapph at 60, 68 Rokir at 55, 80 and Rokir at 57, 70. These are world elites and depending on your server will be heavily farmed. Quick notes about the braclets as Cold said in my comments. 1- they cannot be mailed normally to another player or alt 2- they can be gift wrapped and sent to alts 3- they can be put in the guild bank and traded to alts that way. Good luck and good gold to you! Armed with this knowledge go make some munay!!!! – Maxi
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